Sometimes I do sweat the small stuff

Because personal manifestos are useful.

A. Henry Ernst
The Quantum Surfer
1 min readDec 9, 2017


Sometimes I do sweat the small stuff.

1) It’s “if I/he/she/it WERE”, not WAS.

2) “A propos”? No. Just NO.

3) Yes, you can (and may) end a sentence with a preposition.

4) People who repeat “I don’t know, CAN you?” when you ask them if you can do something have a special place in Hell.

5) It’s AdAlbert, not AdElbert, in case you were wondering.

6) No, my name is not “weird”, though it is rare, and, yes, old-fashioned; I had no control over this. But I don’t think I’d make a good “Dwayne” either. No offence to any Dwaynes.

7) American spelling? *laughs hysterically*

8) The Oxford comma, em dash, and semicolon are grossly neglected and – if used properly – may contribute to world peace; see what I did there.

9) #toomanyhashtags. Please. Restrain yourself.

10) Every time someone misuses the words “narrative”, “deconstruct”, “hegemony” and/or “discourse” I die a little.

Yes, sometimes I do sweat the small stuff.

Love me, love my quirks.

What are yours?



A. Henry Ernst
The Quantum Surfer

Cape Town-based writer and doctor who likes to stare out quietly at the centre of the Milky Way.