Poem: Backwards Affirmation

Phianna Rekab
The Quench
Published in
Apr 14, 2019

by Phianna Rekab

Image courtesy of Pixabay

This is me.

The bumbling stumbling me.

I want to hate myself but can’t.

I want to love myself but won’t.

I will not hide the truth or make excuses for my weakness because this IS me.

I haven’t mastered that part of me yet and maybe never will.

The worst of me is superficial, transient.

I can only control what I think of me.

Nobody’s pity, mockery or jumpstart to bring me higher will ever change me.

I run my own race.

This is me.

I’d change my weakness if I could.

Until then, this is me.

And, I won’t stop trying to be better.

I’ll never give up on myself.

I’ll never ever believe I’m useless.

I am worthy of greatness.

*read from bottom up.

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