Poem: Hello

Phianna Rekab
The Quench
Published in
1 min readSep 8, 2019

by Phianna Rekab

image from Pixabay

She could sneak up on you

tell you straight up how she feels,

hide behind a frown

or write gobs of horrible poetry,

only because she’s still a shy lady.

They say her folks raised her properly.

No wonder she’s cool to take her time,

secretly hoping you’d know and by some miracle you’ll be so inclined.

They say there’s a chaos in her soul

thinking how to out herself with tact

This is what she wants to say but the will she lacks:

We’re together whenever I close my eyes

Living, loving, playing

Having the time of our lives.

It’s the best part of my life.

No wonder it’s hard to be awakened.

Could it be,

the woman in your best dreams is me?

Maybe if you’re bold

you won’t take the discreet way

and introduce yourself one day.

Of all the words I’d like to hear you say,

Hello, is the one I’d prefer wholeheartedly

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