Poem: Of A King

Phianna Rekab
The Quench
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2020

by Phianna Rekab

Hands — image from Pixabay

Who’s endured more trials of the good fight?
Who’s been brave to carry the banner of justice,
If not our valiant Knight?
The one whose armor is the heart worn on his sleeve,
The one whose beliefs his only shield,
The one with a peaceful resolve forged from the strongest steel — One of the last great King’s men.

Do we have yet to see the light?
Have we learned the values
to uphold the gentle virtues, our courageous Knight?
The one of nonviolent creed,
The one rooted in ‘good trouble’,
The one that took a stand in Selma, crossed a bridge and moved a hill —
Ones upheld by the great King’s men.

Battle worn — fighting all his life against unjust.
Scar torn — wounds of distinction his impetus.
Oath sworn — serving with honor and grace for us.
You’re one of the great King’s men.

We will always love and laud you.
May God on high bless you.
Fight on,
“Fight the good fight of faith”,
Beloved Knight.

Fight on!

**With gratefulness and respect**

