March round-up

Dimitra Blana
The quest for a life-like prosthetic hand
2 min readApr 11, 2018

It’s already the middle of April and I’m doing a March round-up. I know what you’re thinking, Dimitra’s losing the plot!

It’s not that: I’ve been on holiday since the end of March. In warm, sunny Athens, mostly eating or lying on the sofa listening to sparrows chirping in the balcony.

I’ve been back for two days now and I haven’t seen the sun yet. I’m feeling a bit gloomy.

But I have the exhibition to look forward to, which takes place in July after all, so there’s bound to be some sun!

Thinking back to March then, we spent quite a bit of time getting video clips for our exhibit video, which we need to send to the Royal Society (as a rough cut) by April 20th. We have robotic hands moving, electromyography recordings, animations of our computer model (which I still need to process — sorry Tom, I’ll get them right to you!), and clips of Ed Chadwick and me talking about our research. The lovely people at the Keele Press Office have been incredibly helpful with this. They will take all these clips and somehow make them into a coherent video. I can’t wait to see it.

Our collection of hands

We also had a training day at the Royal Society in the middle of March, which I’ve already talked about here. About a week later we had a meeting of the Keele team, where we ate brownies* and talked about exhibit ideas.

We have such a great group of people, with enough ideas to fill the entire Royal Society building. I’m quite nervous about how to fit everything in our 2m x 4m space, especially since we need to send the Royal Society our final exhibit plan by April 30th!

April (or what’s left of it) is going to be tough. Besides finalising our floor plan, we have set up meetings with our project partners to discuss the stand construction and potential web content, and we’ll be running a few more data collection sessions for our Open Experiment. I’ll write a separate post about this. Channelling reviewer number 3, we decided we need more data…

*In my opinion, you should always bring cake to meetings. Which means you should not have meetings more often than once a week.



Dimitra Blana
The quest for a life-like prosthetic hand

I am a biomedical engineer, and I develop computer models to help understand and treat movement impairment. I am Greek, living in the UK.