From heiroglyphics to Emojis

miles ahead or several steps backwards


By Abhinandan Sharma (Mechanical engineering 3rd year)

Emojis are often referred to as contemporary time hieroglyphics. This is because of their jarring similitude. There is an on-going controversy about this similarity and how people have differing views as to whether emojis are the new hieroglyphics. Some say that emoji_ that are open representation of thoughts and beliefs as opposed to hieroglyphics _ that are enigmatic cave writings, pose a stark contrast. While others say that emojis are not dissimilar to hieroglyphics as they are nothing but a mere pictorial representation. People belonging to the latter category have gone on to argue whether hieroglyphics now turned emojis are a step towards progress or a negative move on the number line.

One school of thought believes that this is nothing but an endless circle of chasing one’s own tale. We have returned to a complete circle. The invention of emojis is nothing but an enhanced form of hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics existed in a period where verbal communication did not exist. There was no proper language for communication or for passing on ideas from one generation to another. Writing on walls, depicting people was the only way some communication happened. It was a replacement of words and a shallow form of communication. But then the WORD came into existence. A language was developed through which people enunciated their ideas. Words were of greater order than hieroglyphics. However in this day and age we have once again come back to picture representation. Our laugh replaced by a laughing emoji, our thankfulness replaced by a blushing emoji. The value of words has been lost and we have once again come back to the primitive ages where speaking was impossible. It is believed that the invention of words is undermined, which was once considered of greater order. Moreover words provide accuracy while emojis are misleading and have scope for misinterpretation_ much like cave paintings that are cryptic works of art. Somewhere in between of this transition we have misplaced the value of words and it is most definitely a step back.

However on the flip side of this people maintain that emojis are a technological advancement. Here it is denied that hieroglyphics and emojis bear a semblance. Emojis are simply seen an easier mean of portraying thoughts and emotions. Emojis are the brainchild of technological giants who saw the appeal in easy conveyance. The work of science is to reduce human effort. Every machine created strives for that and when it is successfully achieved , progress is said to be done. Emojis make human life easier. A few years back from today, small digital icons or images used to express an idea seemed unfathomable. This certainly guarantee technological advancement. They liven up text messages and even explicitly express feelings without one having to say much. It is also said to save time. Hieroglyphics on the other hand were a replacement of words. They were used to communicate any and every idea. This is different from the concept of ‘emoticon’. Writing through icons as compared to caveman paintings attests for a leap towards advancement. Believers of this category question whether technology development must be hampered because there is an apparent philosophical decline? Should any advancement be ceased because it is ‘believed’ to have a degrading influence? Technological progress is arguably the way forward. Even in this scenario, we have risen above expressing to emoting. The field of science and technology has helped to ameliorate the condition of communication. A survey stated that 75% of the people find it easier to communicate through emojis. Sometimes words can do immense damage. In these cases a simple expression of feeling is helpful in preventing harm to others’ feelings.

Growth is holistic and therefore neither philosophical nor technological growth can be compromised. We have to aim for finding our equilibrium. In this case, creative output in the field of science and the value of words cannot be lost. Emojis are a great form of communication and can add a creative flair to how we can message one another. However, they will never replace the written word. Emojis may be a backward evolution or a progressive burgeoning. The choice lies with us and our rationality.

