The Freshmen Survey

Media Club IIT (BHU)
The Quest, IIT BHU
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2017

The beginning of every odd semester ushers in hundreds of new faces in our college. These panting yet newly exhilarated warriors enter with the mission to capture all summits. However, as Mandela once quipped, after climbing a great hill, one only realizes that there are many more hills to be climbed. As he marches towards the zenith, he soon realizes that there are many more battlefields to be conquered.
The Media club, IIT BHU took upon itself the mission to decipher the sentiment our new frontiersmen cradle in the entrails of their chest. A Fresher’s Mood Survey, conducted by yours truly, saw an overwhelming response. It would only be fair on our part to present to you the inferences of
our analysis:

The Final Verdict-

“The greatest wealth is to live content with little”. After a shabby window displays probably the most important number of your life, you spend the next few days running errands aiming to get the best out of what that number has to offer. Finally, after almost 6 rounds of deliberation the fate of your next 4 (or 5) years lies in your hands (though, not literally). Over 25% students seem to be really content with their final result while another 23% don’t choose any particular emotion for the same. While there were also some who strictly disliked their final allotted branch and took all the trouble of typing in a “NO” in bold and capital under the others option. Seriously, the country needs people who have such strong and determined opinions.

The Never-stopping Clock-
While the burden of preparing for one of the toughest examinations, seemed the only tough task until now, this new journey has a different set of challenges of its own for our new warriors. The toughest so far has been coping with the schedule of the induction programme. An initiative
inaugurated by our very own college, the concept of “Induction Programme” has become a viral sensation. However, the facchas this year, probably find the sound of an alarm annoying. As opposed to an overwhelming 82% response in favour of the Induction Programme last year, only 5% seem to have mastered the art of time management this year. Another 38% are just able to stay on track. Atleast 25% find their feet sinking with the pressure. Many even consider, “Waking up early” as the biggest change in their life after becoming an IITian.

KNOW Your Department
A special feature included as part of the Induction Programme is the “KNOW YOUR DEPARTMENT” programme wherein students are introduced to their departments and scope of their branch in today’s times. They are also shown the laboratories and other facilities provided to the department. This programme has definitely helped the students to appreciate the worth of their branch. A whooping one-third of the students find the program useful. Interestingly, another one-third of the junta, don’t seem to have gained any insights through the program. Hope they get to learn as the clock runs.

New friends, huh!

When you arrive here at IIT-BHU, you come with the aim of becoming an engineer, but after four years, you find yourself a part of a century-old legacy of intellectuals and also, discover that you have been a part of enumerous memories here at college and have made an even larger no. of friends. A whooping 92% of you agree to the fact, that you have gelled up with your batch mates really well. The Induction Programme has helped the bond between you and your batch mates grow stronger. However, a few do find the language barrier a major problem. We are sure that these obstacles will vanish with time as we all have experienced during our stay here. One of the major disappointments found so far is that the freshers have not been able to explore the campus on their own so far. This is quite a genuine grudge. But, it is just a matter of one month. Post this hectic routine, they will have all the time to explore all the nooks and corners of the college and embark on unprecedented adventures of their own. Over 30% of the freshers haven’t been able to explore the campus whereas around 48% still reply in the affirmative.

The First Impression
Talking of first impressions, IIT(BHU) seems to have left an impression in the minds of many. The lush, green campus seems to be the major attraction. After all, not everyone gets to live and study in antique monuments that too in the heart of Mother Nature. When we come to a new place, we have some expectations as to how the place should be, what facilities it should provide and the like. The first yearites certainly find that the campus has lived up to their expectations. 27% are very happy with the facilities being provided to them whereas another 20% are content with the campus. “Would be a lot better with WIFI”, writes a guy, and we feel for him having been on the same page during our past.
Let’s fast forward the nostalgia to your new habitat, Benaras. With the thoughts of a really serene and holy city, you disembark the train, unload your luggage (a reminder of the next 4 years) and step out to breathe Benaras. However, at least one-third of the junta still find the X-factor missing. Understandably, due to their busy schedule they have not yet been able to find out which are the best places for gorging on food that is affordable and tasty or where to find a dry cleaner(really!!). But, cheer up first yearites there is a time for everything. Very soon you would be acquainted with the lanes of the city as if you have spent your entire life here. After all, after four years you surely would be taking a part of Benaras with you and leaving a part of your heart here. This is what we can assure the 40% students who still have many things unticked on their bucket-list.

Most freshers rate their experience so far a 7 or 8 out of 10. Most students are clueless and without a plan when they enter college. They have given all that they had to be able to crack JEE and to land up in a respectable IIT. The rest they assume will be history. “Do I like a guy with a plan?” was one of the interesting responses about whether he had a plan for the next four years or not. Now, that was quite a cryptic message considering we haven’t witnessed your other decisions. Life in a hostel introduces big changes in everyone’s life. You practically have to live out of a suitcase. “Early to bed early to rise” writes a person, while another writes, ”Discipline and Regularity”, when asked about
their biggest change in life. Most agree to the fact of being able to step out of their Nutshell as a change.

So, all the first yearites out there reading this article, first impressions are often far away from reality. Hope you enjoy your life at college and do take part in extra curricular activities as most of have described in your plan of action for the next four to five years.



Media Club IIT (BHU)
The Quest, IIT BHU

Student media body of the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU).