Best of British Longform: Cara Delevingne, Hillary Clinton and the queen of dressage

Joseph Stashko
2 min readAug 7, 2016


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Changeling: The Cara Delevingne interview

Alex Bilmes, Esquire, 3 August

Esquire’s editor Alex Bilmes conducts one of the most candid interviews of the year with Cara Delevingne. Up for discussion is her rapid rise through the modelling world and into acting, but it’s the discussion around mental health issues and the associated stigma that makes this a must-read.

The duo that dominates dressage

Sam Knight, The New Yorker, 8 August issue

Dressage is a sport that most people are only marginally aware of every four years because of the Olympics. Sam Knight profiles its amazing British champion, Charlotte Dujardin.

The 22-year-old trying to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Nicola Davison, The Financial Times, 4 August

The world’s oceans are awash with discarded plastic bags and packaging. Boyan Slat decided to do something about it when he went diving at the age of 16 and saw that there were “more plastic bags than fish”. Since then, the challenge he has taken on is to remove and recycle plastic from the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, a giant expanse of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean that is twice the size of the UK.

The doctor who beat big tobacco

Gideon Haigh, The Guardian, 1 August

When Dr Bronwyn King came across the startling discovery that her pension fund was investing in the same cigarette companies that were killing her cancer patients, she was shocked. Gideon Haigh follows what happened next.

The making of Hillary Clinton: unpublished images of a would-be president

Edward Luce, The Financial Times, 5 August

Hardly a traditional British topic but in the interest of topicality and the fact it’s written by a Brit we’ll include it. Edward Luce speaks to White House photographer Robert McNeely, who spent six years with the Clinton’s in the 90s, and discusses the stories behind the pictures in this photo-essay.



Joseph Stashko

Digital News Development Editor at @TheTimes and @TheSundayTimes. Cofounder, @LiveblogPro. Publisher of @MeninismBlog. I like socks.