Hello. Welcome to The Queue.

I’ve wanted to do some entertainment writing for a while. So, like, hi.

Lily Herman
The Queue


Howdy, y’all. Welcome to The Queue, my entertainment blog that I’ve been meaning to start for years and finally got around to during one of the busiest years of my life, 2017.

So, what will be on this entertainment blog?

Well, quite frankly, it’ll probably be a little slow at first. Having spent the past eight years building blog after blog, I’ve learned that the best ones start small and unambitious and work their way up. That’s not to say I don’t have very ~big~ and ~lofty~ dreams for this project; it’s just that I know what I can handle right now, and that means talking about (er, making fun of?) a single show each week.

Thus, I’ve decided to start this endeavor by blogging weekly about a single series: Riverdale on The CW. Once the show announces its premiere date and when episodes will air weekly, you can expect that my post-show thoughts will typically either be going up that night or the following morning. Such on-demand service from yours truly, I know.

Is there a chance I’ll be adding other content to this blog other than Riverdale posts? Um, duh. I’m just keeping expectations incredibly low. Like, lowered the bar and buried it into the ground.

Why use Riverdale as a jumping off point out of the bazillion television programs out there? I break down that big decision here. Oh, and subscribe to The Queue’s weekly-ish newsletter here. (Check your spam box for the confirmation link!)

You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook or shoot me an email in the meantime. And obviously, give this publication a follow because I swear I’m a nice person.

