Boundaries with Sex

Dale Aceron
The Quick and Dirty Podcast
1 min readApr 5, 2018

Once you cross a boundary, it becomes easier to cross it again. And once that begins, the lines keep moving farther and farther out until you become desensitizedto the dangers around you.

Best Sex

Married people should be having the best sex, but when this topic comes up, many couples are struggling in this area and sex is usually the first casualty to drop when it comes to other problems in marriage.


  • What are you feeding your mind?
  • What fantasies are you having?
  • What thoughts are you bringing into the bedroom?

All those things play a huge part when it comes to becoming sexually unsatisfied with your partner.

The One Key:

Have an open and honest conversation with your spouse about what boundaries need to be put in place as far as what you watch, the music you listen and anything else that

would hinder you from having a deep and intimate your marriage

