Do I have to Agree with my Spouse?

Dale Aceron
The Quick and Dirty Podcast
2 min readMay 3, 2018

Newsflash, you will never agree on absolutely everything. It’s near impossible. Because you both are 2 different people with 2 different points of views, you will eventually come to a place where you don’t see eye to eye and are faced with either fighting it out or ignoring it and not dealing with it all. Both of these solutions are destructive and can only lead to a disconnect in your relationship.

Episode 18 — Do I Have to Agree with my Spouse?


By fighting it out in an unhealthy and unsafe manner, you are either on the offense or defense in the argument and neither of those positions brings you closer together. Quite the opposite actually happens.


On the contrary, by ignoring the tension all together, you both end up feeling like you lost and resentment towards the other person will eventually settle in. This method only builds upon other resentments and in time will all come crashing in on you driving you farther away from each other.

A Different Way

Have you ever thought of being curious? Asking your spouse why they feel so passionately about their position or point of view? By getting a clear understanding why they feel so strongly will give you both different insights that you can work with.

You might surprise yourself and realize you don’t really care all that much about your position. You just really wanted to ‘win’. And vice versa, your spouse may have a valid reason as to why they are not backing down. When this happens, you both have more clarity as to WHY they feel the way they do. And in comes the beauty of working together as a team to come to a resolution that you both feel GREAT about.

Be curious and solve more problems…together as a team!

