Forgive and Be Forgiven

Dale Aceron
The Quick and Dirty Podcast
2 min readJul 19, 2018

The Next Step to Rebuild Trust

Breaking someone’s trust is painful. Not only that, they feel betrayed, unsafe and unsure of what you say or do next. They will second guess you for the next little while, or, in some cases, forever. But it doesn’t have to be that way. When you begin the journey of Rebuilding Trust in your Relationship by first Deciding to Love your partner, the next step is to Forgive AND Be Forgiven.


Forgiving someone is much like loving someone. It’s a choice. And it’s one that you must commit to making daily if you are determined to make your relationship better. When you choose to forgive your offender, you are not simply saying it’s ok, instead, you are freeing yourself from holding a grudge against that person and releasing them from the offense. You choose to stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake. Most people who choose not to forgive become bitter and angry towards people. They begin to see others through negative filters and in turn lead a life of negativity and resentment and it’s not healthy. And again, that is a CHOICE. So why choose that for yourself? Why not free yourself from all that pain and anguish be freeing yourself?

Be Forgiven

But, alternatively, if you are the offender and you have been forgiven, you must choose to BE forgiven. That sounds a bit odd, but I know for myself (Dale), sometimes when I wrong someone and it brings them pain and suffering, I begin to internalize it. Unconsciously, I take on the offense and attach it to who I am as a person and that is destructive. You must receive forgiveness from your offender and allow yourself to remove that offense and begin the journey of Rebuilding Trust in your Relationship.

