Healthy Balance of Marriage and Kids

Dale Aceron
The Quick and Dirty Podcast
1 min readJun 7, 2018

The balance between Marriage and Kids is one of the toughest jobs one can accept. It’s not one for the faint of heart. But it’s one of the most rewarding.

No one comes into a marriage wanting to lead a child-centered home. But sometimes it happens so fast that one wouldn’t even see the warning signs coming.

Some dangers of a child-centered home include ignoring your marriage in place of your kids, decreasing sexual intimacy as a result of kids sleeping in your bed, and worst of all, raising kids who have no idea how to deal with disappointment, failure, and rejection. But worst of all is raising kids until they grow up and move out of your house only to leave you and your wife not knowing who you are anymore. It’s tragic.

So then what? Focusing on leading a Marriage Centered home with a healthy balance between parents and kids.

The Health of a Marriage determines the Happiness and Security of your children.

