Protect to Connect

Dale Aceron
The Quick and Dirty Podcast
2 min readJan 25, 2018
Protect and Connect

Protect to Connect

How do you Stay Connected in Survival Mode?

In this Episode, we answer a question called in by the Quick and Dirty Family. Don and Glory ask: “how do we stay connected when you’re in survival mode”!


  • Once a month planning
  • Weekly Scheduling: some weeks are the same so we just take a quick glance at the calendar to see if anything needs to be added, changed or figured out.
  • It only takes a few minutes once you’ve had your initial once a month planning session.
  • Planning helps to keep the guessing work out of the equation.
  • Each of us knows what each others responsibilities are for that week so there isn’t room for disappointment.
  • We are both on the same page entering in each week.
  • Being flexible
  • Life throws us curve balls so it’s really important to have a plan and be flexible if things change.
  • Plan for set backs
  • Budget your time [Jar Example]
  • Jar with 24 colorful balls representing the 24 hours we all have in a day. So each is 1 hour. Depending on your sleeping patterns, you might take out 7 balls and 10 hours for work. So just those 2 activities alone is 17 hours, which leaves you with 7 more balls remaining.
  • Then there’s breakfast, supper and then bedtime for the little ones. That might take up 3.
  • So what are you guys left with…4!
  • Be intentional when planning. Set a time each day to connect.
  • Planning out your priorities for that week makes it easer to say NO when you are planned, scheduled and working towards the same goals.


  • Keep Relationship a Priority
  • Couch Time
  • Say no to extra activities. (Men: Floor hockey, Wing Night, Women: Book clubs, Coffee Dates) They may be good things, but it’s just no for now. Is it worth a ball?


  • This is our protected time and we keep this time focused and set apart from every other days business.
  • So many appointments, people and commitments that are vying for our time. So in our planning, we carve out time that is specifically for family time, or one-on-one time each week.
  • Sundays is protected family time (big meal with the whole family, play games, be silly, have fun, recharge and connect)
  • Evening: Monthly Planning (Really Really big calendar)


Every step of the way, you must intentionally foster your relationship through this busy season which does not last forever, because seasons change. And because you planned, prioritized and protected your relationship, you will enter the season a lot stronger, and, more connected!

