Setting Boundaries around Conflict and Arguments

Dale Aceron
The Quick and Dirty Podcast
1 min readApr 26, 2018

One of the major killers in our relationship used to be Conflicts and Arguments. We had no idea how to discuss things respectfully in a calm and peaceful manner. It was always 0–100 in 2 seconds flat when either of us was upset about something.

Boundaries We Still Use to this Day

Thankfully though, we understood the importance of placing healthy boundaries in the context of how we argued. Some of those boundaries that we still use today are:

  • Never bring up past arguments
  • Talk respectfully to each other
  • Never argue when you are tired
  • Take breaks when things get too heated

We encourage you both to talk to each other when things in your relationship are going well. Then agree on some healthy boundaries around arguing and also, write them down so you both can see them and are aware of them.

Once you both master this aspect of your marriage, it will be like heaven on earth and your arguments will substantially lessen over the years.

If we can do this, so can you!

