21 Tips I Collected From Really Expensive Copywriting Courses That Will Make You Cry

Not From Joy, But From the Price Tag

Auctor Quick
The Quick Club


Photo by NEOSiAM 2021: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-scale-photo-of-crying-topless-boy-679438/

If the following tips are underwhelming to you, welcome to the club. I had to go to great lengths to filter the really obvious crappy advice which is 99% of these courses.

I highlighted a few points that were seemingly useful when I started out and I have compiled them for you here. Enjoy.

Note: If you are ever tempted to buy a copywriting course that promises you 6 figure income/ break the 9–5 chain / and other similar claims, remember that, the only one breaking any sort of chains is the one selling the course.

You are the patsy when you buy any copywriting course.

The only exception being copyschool by Joanna Weibe. Though they are ridiculously expensive, they are actually useful. If you can’t afford them, your next best option is books and a ton of practice.

Anyway enough with my rant, let’s get on with those golden tips.

95% of people who buy courses never actually complete them. They just buy to make themselves feel better —like they did something productive by buying a course.

So, don’t sell the knowledge- nobody wants to learn. Learning means work and people…



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