Psalm 105 — Plagued

A Kyrielle


A person in a black plague doctor hood with long beaked nose. The air around is full of haze.
Image by Martin Bauschke from Pixabay

You turned the water into blood,
Bedeviled us with frogs and flies,
And sent Your fire from above.
God, when will You deliver us?

The vines and trees are withering:
A swarm of locusts overrun
To kill and eat up everything.
Oh, when will You deliver us?

Our firstborn fell by plague and curse,
Yet hate and fear against us grows;
Each morning it is ever worse.
God, when will You deliver us?

God, take their silver and their gold,
And lead us to a promised land;
With cloud and flame show us the road.
Oh, when will You deliver us?

And, in the desert, streams will flow
Along with honey from the rock,
And bread and milk You will bestow.
God, when will You deliver us?

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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