Psalm 11 — I Will Not Lose Hope

A ballad


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

What can I do with no support?
For my bedrock is gone.
I tell my soul, “Flee as a bird
To your holy mountain.”

The pious view me with disgust,
Regard my slips with glee.
In You, Oh Lord, I put my trust
When they take aim at me.

They bombard me with flaming darts,
Believing it is fair
To strike at broken, “depraved” hearts.
Oh God, please hear my prayer.

They call Your Name but will not love
As You commanded to.
They deem themselves a cut above:
Superior and pure.

They thank You they are not like me:
A sinner, vile, profane.
Hypocrites! They cannot see
They speak Your Name in vain.

Remember me in my ordeals
And I will not lose hope.
Lord, to Your mercy I appeal
In times I cannot cope.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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