Psalm 116 — ’Til Death

A Ballad


From behind, the head and shoulders of a redheaded woman with white lilies in her braided hair. Her shoulders are bare and she is holding a bouquet of red roses and white lilies.
Image by melancholiaphotography from Pixabay

When cords of death surround and bind,
And all is strife and pain,
Then I will call upon You, God;
I’ll call upon Your Name.

You have delivered me from death,
And saved my eyes from tears;
You kept my feet upon the path:
I walk with You, no fear.

I cried to You in suffering;
I thought I had no hope:
“All men are liars,” I proclaimed.
I felt I couldn’t cope.

But, Hallelujah, praise the Lord,
For You have heard my cry,
O God, I love You ’til I die
And, if I can, beyond.

What can I offer You, my God
For all that You have done?
I’ll make my vows to You, O God,
Surrounded by Your kin.

I lift the cup of liberation,
Shout Your Name out loud;
I am Your Bride and You are Mine:
Here in Your House we’ve vowed.

And, Hallelujah, praise the Lord,
For You have heard my cry,
O God, I love You ’til I…

