Psalm 17 — A Crown

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

They close their callous hearts and have the gall
To castigate the “sinners” for their pride
While boasting of the mercy they’ve denied
While they hole up behind their mighty walls.
They close their ears to Jesus’ gentle call
And say my love is wrong, that I backslide
When I say love is love and love is wide.
It seems they think that Jesus’ love is small.
They lie in wait to ambush, to surround;
They hunt me like a lion seeking prey,
Await their chance to throw me to the ground.
Rise up, Oh Lord, confront them, bring them down,
And for their actions surely they will pay
While, as for me, You’ve given me a crown.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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