Psalm 29 — In Your Beauty

Two people in dark maroon robes hold hands. The one on the right holds a bouquet of white flowers.
Image by Clive Einstein from Pixabay

The voice of God is in the sea,
And in the storm, the thunder roars.
The voice of God shall set us free
In the beauty of Your glory.

The voice of God is still and small;
The voice of God is majesty.
I give You worship, Lord of all,
For the beauty of Your glory.

You shake the wasteland to its bed,
And cause the trees to dance and sing.
The world before You bows its head
To the beauty of Your glory.

The voice of God has reached my soul,
And tastes like fire on my lips.
Your love and mercy make me whole
In the beauty of Your glory.

The voice of God divides the flames,
And breaks the chains that held me down,
And You will call me by Your Name
In the beauty of Your glory.

Now I will fly for I have wings,
Together evermore with You,
And we will rule as twofold kings
In the beauty of our glory.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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