Psalm 33 — By Your Breath

A Ballad


Night sky full of stars over foamy ocean with wet black rocks peeking through the water.
Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay

When there was nothing but the Void,
You spoke, and it was so,
All birthed by virtue of Your Word:
You spoke, and it was so.

You poured a vessel of the seas
Into the ocean beds,
Increased the deeps out of Your stores,
An ample, lavish spread.

God, when my soul was lost in drought,
You led me to the well;
You laid before me choicest treats,
Invited me to dwell.

When there was nothing but the Void,
You spoke, and it was so,
All birthed by virtue of Your Word:
You spoke, and it was so.

My strength cannot defend my heart
From those who seize Your Name:
Their mouths are gorged, their hearts are bare,
Their lips o’erflow with blame.

They claim a semblance of Your Truth
But there is nothing there:
It’s empty, hollow, dead inside,
Corrupt, cut off from air.

