Psalm 38 — O Lord, My Salvation

A Ballad


A person standing on the shore of a lake, with their back to the viewer, gazing out across the water. On the far side of the lake, a mountain rises into the clouds.
Image by Public Co from Pixabay

Oh God, be with me in my pain,
When I am lost in grief,
When I am broken, mourning, weak,
When I find no relief.

In You, O Lord, I find my hope
For You will hear my call
Lest, when I fail, my enemy
Shall revel in my fall.

They call upon Your Name, O Lord;
They hate me without cause.
They watch and wait for my misstep,
And greet it with applause.

My sorrow is always with me;
My enemies are strong,
But You are with me always, Lord;
You tell me I belong.

In You, O Lord, I find my hope
For You will hear my call
Lest, when I fail, my enemy
Shall revel in my fall.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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