Psalm 42 — “Where Is Your God?”

A Kyrielle


A woman with long hair wrapped in a knit white shawl hugs herself and looks sad.
Image by Rondell Melling from Pixabay

My tears have been my food all day
Whereas my heart has longed for You;
My soul is shaken, yet I hope,
And I shall praise and worship You.

And when they ask me, “Where’s your God?”
I cannot verify what’s true,
Though I remember days of yore,
When I did naught but worship You.

I used to sit with You and feast
With voice of joy and true breakthrough;
As deep calls deep, Your waterfalls,
Their voice shall praise and worship You.

Your waves and billows overwhelm,
Your lovingkindness all day through
And, in the night, Your song shall be
My voice to praise and worship You.

Oh God, have You forgotten me?
“Where is your God?” I have no clue.
And yet I will not give up hope;
God, I shall praise and worship You.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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