Psalm 55 — The Wings of a Dove

A Ballad


A winged figure sits on a rock surrounded by waves.
Image by Ria Sopala from Pixabay

My foes don’t rest in their attacks,
Relentless, heartless, cruel.
They rage against my heart and soul
Because I break their rules.

I dread the news of each new morn:
What threats and lies today?
The ground we fought so hard to gain
They yearn to take away.

Oh! That I had the wings of a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest.

And you, my brother, sister, friend:
We once worshipped as one.
You’ve turned your back, forsaken me;
You call it “love” to shun.

You talk of love with words so sweet
Then sell me out for clout.
Like honey laced with bitter gall,
You think you are devout.

Oh! That I had the wings of a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest.

But, as for me, I call to God;
The Lord will hear my voice.
With God I do not stand alone.
With God I will rejoice.

