Psalm 59 — You are My Strength

Man grimacing threateningly with ominous red and black around his eyes.
Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

Their words are flaming darts and swords are in their lips;
They lie in wait to take my life for who I am;
They set a trap and watch and hope that I would slip;
And through no fault of mine they deem me damned.

They sniff around like vampires; they thirst for blood;
They say, “Who hears?” for they think God is on their side;
They come against me as a storm, a sudden flood;
They hold the gate, and I am kept outside.

But You, oh Lord, will mock their pious filthy rags;
They claim morality but curse and lie and cheat;
Their hearts are empty pits; their words are all red flags;
The poor, the weak, the diff’rent, they mistreat.

But I will sing, oh Lord, of Your mercy and grace,
For You have been my refuge; You are my defense;
You save me from the traps they set for my disgrace;
You are my Strength, and Your Love is immense.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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