Psalm 68 — Gilt and Bright

A woman sits between two trees whose branches frame the sunlight behind her, giving her a halo. She has large white wings spread out to either side, and she is wearing a white dress.
Image by Ria Sopala from Pixabay

As smoke in a gale blows away,
My enemies flee when I pray.
I will rise on the wings of a dove, gilt and bright
With silver and gold. I am light.

Everyone who dishonours my name:
Just like wax, they will melt in the flame.
I will rise on the wings of a dove, gilt and bright
With silver and gold. I am light.

I will ride on the clouds o’er the plains
While the earth shakes and heavens drop rain.
I will rise on the wings of a dove, gilt and bright
With silver and gold. I am light.

All the earth has proclaimed: they have heard;
And the mountains will move at my word.
I will rise on the wings of a dove, gilt and bright
With silver and gold. I am light.

Such a throng that proclaimed my downfall:
So much greater the host at my call.
I will rise on the wings of a dove, gilt and bright
With silver and gold. I am light.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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