Psalm 73 — The Evil Thrive

A Kyrielle


A man half-hidden in shadow holds a gun at the ready.
Image by Sammy-Sander from Pixabay

Oh God, why do the evil thrive?
They drape themselves in violence,
And clasp conceit about their throat,
And all their kindness is pretense.

Oh God, why do the evil thrive?
They set their mouth against Your Word,
And scoff and smirk at injustice,
And walk their tongue about the earth.

Oh God, why do the evil thrive?
For surely I’ve been pure in vain,
And innocent for no reward,
For every day brings me new pain.

Oh God, why do the evil thrive?
They’ve built their houses on the sand,
Established on unstable ground,
And they will fall by Your command.

And though my flesh and heart may fail,
You are my rock, my strength, my love.
I trust in You, draw near to plead,
“Oh God, why do the evil thrive?“

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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