Psalm 80 — Restore Us, God!

A ballad


A man with no shirt is up to his waist in water while heavy rain pours over him. He is smiling.
Image by Fifaliana Joy from Pixabay

We eat the bread of grief and woe,
And drink the wine of tears.
How long will You disdain us, God?
Redeem us from our fears!

Stir up Your strength and shepherd us,
And lead us like a flock.
Our foes are laughing at our pain;
They point at us and mock.

Restore us, God! Your face will shine,
And we will all be saved!

You planted trees and tended them
That we might bear good fruit;
You cultivate and irrigate
So we would take deep root.

God, why have You pulled down the fence
That kept the thief away?
The wolves and boars devour us;
God, can’t You hear us pray?

Restore us, God! Your face will shine,
And we will all be saved!

We beseech You, God of hosts,
To look upon our grief.
They set their torches to our roots;
Oh God, send us relief!

