Psalm 83 — As the Fire Burns

An English Sonnet


The wicked plot against Your people, God,
They glorify themselves and make a stink,
Conspiring that we should be outlawed
For who we are and how we feel and think.
Do not keep silent, God, in this long night!
Oh come to our defense; do not delay,
For they will not give ground without a fight.
God, let them be as chaff that blows away
And, as the fire blazes through the trees,
Astound them with Your raging mighty storm,
That they may be ashamed for their bad deeds,
And they may turn to You and be reformed,
That they may know that You, Oh God, are love,
And love is love is love is love is love.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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