Psalm 94 — Rise Up, Oh Judge!

A Kyrielle


People in a Pride parade carrying signs reading “You are safe here”, “Let love rule”, and “Gay a.f.”
Image by Esther Jones from Pixabay

Oh Lord, how long will evil win?
How long will hate and harm prevail?
Rise up, oh Judge! Repay their sin,
And make their work to no avail.

They slay the widow and the waif
They kill the stranger alien.
Rise up, oh Judge! And keep us safe,
For You, God, know the thoughts of man.

They say You do not care for us;
They boast in their injustice, God.
Rise up, oh Judge! In You we trust,
For what they deem as love is fraud.

But He Who made the eye will see,
And He Who made the ear will hear.
Rise up, oh Judge! And set us free
That we may have no need to fear.

Unless the Lord had been my aid,
Oh, who would stand against the wrong?
Rise up, oh Judge! To You we’ve prayed,
And You delight my spirit’s song.

God, You have been my hiding place,
And You have been my guard and shield.
Rise up, oh Judge! Show me Your grace,
And underneath Your wings I’m healed.

