Psalm 95 — God Will Not Be Mocked

A Ballad


A silhouette of someone kneeling to pray surrounded by words: openness, reasoning, affection, conviction, equanimity, non-judgement, kindness, willingness, altruism, determination, generosity, patience, understanding, insight, cooperation, acceptance, mindfulness, respect, commitment, compassion, love, gratitude, empathy, philanthropy, wisdom, reflection, sincerity, courage, inclusion.
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

You tried Me, though You saw my work;
You do not know My ways.
I am disgusted with Your deeds;
I don’t accept your praise.

You have rebelled against My law,
And turned your hearts to stone.
Don’t test Me now, for I am God;
I am the cornerstone.

Come, let us sing unto the Lord,
And shout for joy unto our Rock,
For He is great, above all gods,
And He will not be mocked.

I took an oath upon Myself,
And made a guarantee,
That what you do unto the least
You have done unto Me.

I grieve your words, your deeds, your hearts,
Your cruelty and hate.
Why can’t you see that I am love
And only I am great?

Come, let us sing unto the Lord,
And shout for joy unto our Rock,
For He is great, above all gods,
And He will not be mocked.

