Psalm 98 — With the Harp

An English Sonnet


A man sits in front of a stone wall, playing a harp. He is wearing a maroon shirt and grey pants. He has a grey beard.
Image by Richard Revel from Pixabay

I’ll sing a new song to You for You’re mine,
For You are solace, comfort to my heart:
Your love, Your kisses, they’re sweeter than wine;
I’ll write a psalm for You upon the harp.
The seas will roar, the rivers clap their hands,
The little goats upon the hills rejoice,
For You are like a lily in the sand,
Or like a rose or apple tree so choice.
Your brought me to Your banquet house to dine:
Your love was over all and within all.
You gave me cakes and apples, flasks of wine,
And I will sing for joy within Your halls.
You are my helpmate and You are my king,
And of Your love forever I will sing.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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