Writing for QCD

Submission Information & Guidelines


If you want to contribute to my little publication, read on!

What is the Quintessential Conundrum of Divinity?

This is a place to explore the mystery, the conundrum of God. I want to ask the unanswerable question(s) because I believe that it is important to remember that we don’t and can’t have all the answers. Meditating on questions we can’t answer is good for us.

This publication doesn’t have a goal as such, as the point is that there is no answer to the questions we ask here.

What do we want?

  1. As in most publications, drafts are preferred. This gives your story the chance to be on the front page.
  2. Please edit your piece before submitting. I will proofread before accepting, but it makes my job easier and faster if edits are unnecessary. To add to this: I will not make any edits to your piece without your approval, but I reserve the right to reject any piece for any reason.
  3. To be added as a writer, please send me a request on Smedian.
  4. Please include a photo with attribution. You can find free to use photos on Pexels or Pixabay, or just use the search feature in the Medium editor.
  5. We accept poetry, fiction, or essays. As long as it’s not hateful or bigoted or whatever, and it fits the theme, it’s fair game.

I look forward to seeing what others think about this subject. Let’s start a conversation

