A Quick Update

The New Q

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q
2 min readApr 18, 2017



Hello legends,

It’s been a while since I’ve addressed you in this way. How have I been? I’ve been remarkably sober, thanks for asking, and now, gainfully employed. No longer shall I eke out a meager living working at a pub and living at home. I shall now eke out a less meager living working a graduate role and living at home. But your concern is, as always, noted.

How are you guys doing? Feel free to reply to this, no matter that you might have just stumbled across this post after mashing some buttons during a beer spill on your keyboard, or if we have been Internet acquaintances for a while. Or not. It’s all good. I imagine you have important things to do, like mowing the lawn, cutting your toenails, or researching what sex toy will inspire maximum pleasure at minimum effort. May the human race remain ever efficient and self-pleasuring.

Now I wanted to say something — oh yes, that’s right. If you’ve been following me (my Internet activities) for a while (if you’re physically following me, please refrain from doing that anymore) you’d notice that I was at the helm of three publications. The Quintessential Q (which you’re reading this on), Writing Well Written and Letters to Strangers.

I’ve decided to fold Writing Well Written and Letters to Strangers into The Quintessential Q.

Don’t worry, I’ll still be writing short stories and letters to strangers. If you were worried, that’s very kind. On the fair chance that you weren’t, now you don’t have to worry about getting worried. Chill out, have a tea and watch an Attenborough documentary.

Why have I done this? I’ve felt for a while that I needed to put everything under one banner. It makes it simpler for me to stick to a rough schedule, and easier for people to help find my Words on the Web©. And now with the introduction of a paid Medium service, I thought why not.

Now that that’s out of the way, and like I mentioned above, feel free to drop a line below if you want to chat. I promise I’ll reply within 3–5 business days, which is more than I can say for the place that should be servicing my coffee machine.

Happy Easter, if you swing that way, or Happy Lactose Intolerant Identification Weekend if not.

Thanks legends,



Matt Querzoli was inspired to write this for obvious reasons. Follow him or his randy publication if you liked the post, or even the bloke himself if this tickled your proverbial pickle.

Like the bloke.

Follow the bloke.

Be the bloke.

