Die Mense of South Africa

The Server, the Bouncer and the Bartender

Traveling Limericks

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q


Photo by Benny Jackson on Unsplash

I — The Server

I requested a double espresso
With a smile and Australian glow
You took the order
As if stationed at the border
Dealing with some dark, terrible foe

II — The Bouncer

I’ve seen a brick shithouse before
But I reckon you were bigger times four
When I handed you ID
I was relieved when with glee
You approved my trip to the dance floor

III — The Bartender

I quite readily admitted I was fucked
As the beer was flowing like through an aqueduct
But then you tied back your hair
Fixed me with a kind stare
And out of thin air water you plucked

Matt Querzoli wrote these. He is currently traveling in South Africa and making observations on the people he meets.

