Photo by Hamish Weir on Unsplash

Engulfed in the Current

Flash Fiction

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q
1 min readJun 24, 2019


The echo the train made against the rock walls of the cavern dug long ago was at once stripped away as it flew out and over the water.

The tracks, suspended by ugly concrete pylons, bore the carriages over the river of velvet underneath. Streams of glass cut through the calm surface, hinting to where the currents wove underneath.

Within a long moment of arrested time, heads popped up from phones or were excavated from novels, were turned and gazed out on the vista lit by a youthful, excited dawn.

As the hammering echo surrounded the train once more, heads dipped back down in escape of the present once more.

Matt Querzoli wrote this.

