Man Orders Yet More Sporting Equipment He Won’t Use Post-Pandemic

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q
2 min readJun 11, 2020
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Marshall Bligh, 34, considers himself to be an active man with a healthy competitive streak. So when coronavirus stormed into pandemic territory and countries around the world entered various states of lock-down, Mr Bligh went online and bough a brand new set of quality gold clubs.

After using them twice for a couple of games with some friends (in a socially distant manner, or so he claimed), Mr Bligh was again online shopping — this time for a tight polo, sweatbands, tennis racquets and balls.

Three games of tennis later (losing all atrociously), Mr Bligh was quick to order a basketball and ring, which he has set-up in his driveway. He even opted for a chain net because he thought it made it look more “ghetto.” At the time of writing, Mr Bligh did not come close to fitting the definition of ghetto.

A wetsuit and surfboard were up next, delivered to his door promptly and marked as “left in a secure place” by the lazy delivery driver, despite it being left on his doormat. Mr Bligh was able to afford these because of his refund received for his cancelled Europe flights, where he had planned to spend some of the summer.

Even now, as the world begins to emerge from lock-down, and Mr Bligh’s garage groans with the additional equipment, his finger hovers above the checkout button for a road bike and the flashiest Lycra his neighbourhood has ever seen.

More to come.

Matt Querzoli wrote this. He always has to borrow his tennis racquet and balls.

