Scorned Nerd Reminds Instagram Influencer She’s Only One Database Record Deletion Away from Obscurity

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q
2 min readMay 23, 2019
Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Unsplash

A local man who has an above average job working with computers and enjoys pop culture probably only a little more than the average member of the first world, Johann Miller, has today been left reeling after his out-of-the-blue message to an attractive stranger he has never met before failed to land him a date.

So scorned was this man that apart from accepting the state of play and acknowledging that a random message to a woman with quite a lot of cleavage on show and quite a lot of followers was probably not the most sound idea, he doubled down, grabbed his shovel again, and kept digging his hole.

“You dumb bitch! You’re only one database record away from being nothing! One database record away from oblivion!” he sent, seething in rather nice apartment that was afforded to him after the start-up he joined early got a lot of money thrown at it by a large number of men in T-shirts and suit jackets from the ‘Valley’.

The influencer, who shall remain unnamed or un-Instgram-handled, was quick to block Mr Miller, as he was bringing quite a lot of negative energy into her life, which reminded her that she needed to charge her crystals.

Mr Miller opened up a Miller Lite or two after he was blocked, and despite a rigorous round of mental gymnastics, only to resolve that she was probably frigid, he showed that he hadn’t learned a single thing.

Matt Querzoli wrote this. Ones and zeros mean a lot to a lot of people, including yours truly.

