Die Mense of South Africa

The River Dance, the Present Man and the Chipper

Traveling Limericks

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q


Photo taken by the author. Wonders never cease.

I — The River Dance

We danced, floated and soared
On glass below wakeboard
Until the light did fade
Bright banks surrender to shade
And we float back to be moored

II — The Present Man

It’s easy to get jealous
Of a particularly overzealous
Present-giving flood
To a three-year-old bub
Especially of the stuffed entellus

III — The Chipper

Look at that, what a shot!
A chip that would have Tiger besot
We erupted into cheers
And would have bought you some beers
But we were stuck in golf cart that would stop not

Matt Querzoli wrote these. He is currently traveling in South Africa and making observations on the people he meets.

