Enter the Dragon

Jessamyn Smyth

Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee
1 min readDec 10, 2015


Oh, when it’s yes

she wakes, and once
woken, hungry

and no is not
in her vocabulary;

curling, shining
scales of yes

sung, shed, fallen
in whispering drifts

blown by incomprehension
into corners, dry drifts

on the ground, tinkling
broken shards now, still

iridescent, each still
containing the whole

and matchless yes

From Kitsune
Available from Finishing Line Press

Jessamyn Smyth is the founding Director of the new international Quest Writer’s Conference, and was the founder, creator, and Editor in Chief of the literary & arts journal Tupelo Quarterly. Her collection of short stories, The Inugami Mochi, and her collection of hybrid-poetry, Gilgamesh/Wilderness, are forthcoming in 2016 and 2017 from Saddle Road Press. Her chapbook Kitsune was a winner in the New Women’s Voices Series of Finishing Line Press (2013), and will soon be followed by two more Trickster cycles. Her poetry, short stories, and prose appears in Life and Legends, The Taos Journal of International Poetry and Prose, Red Rock Review, Nth Position, Naugatuck River Review, Cezanne’s Carrot, MiCrow/Full of Crow, Abalone Moon, Qarrtsiluni, The Montucky Review, Meat for Tea, Wingbeats: Exercises and Practice in Poetry, and other journals and anthologies. (More here.)

Kitsune (Finishing Line Press, 2013)



Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee

Little. Yellow. Different. A collective poetry micropress.