Fall Parties

by Becca Klaver

Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee
2 min readOct 23, 2015


I cannot wait for fall parties.
The invitations have begun to roll in.

I used to think I loved summer parties
until they got this year so sweaty and sad,

the whole world away at the shore,
sunk in sweet and salt.

Goodbye, summer:
you were supposed to save us

from spring but everyone just slumped
into you, sad sacks

pulling the shade down on an afternoon
of a few too many rounds.

Well, I won’t have another.
I’ll have fall. The fall of parties

for no reason, of shivering rooftops,
scuffed boots, scarves with cigarette holes.

I’ll warm your house.
I’ll snort your mulling spices.

I’ll stay too late, I’ll go on a beer run,
I’ll do anything

to stay in your dimly lit rooms
scrubbed clean of all their pity.

Originally published at www.poets.org.

Becca Klaver was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is the author of LA Liminal (Kore Press, 2010) and a chapbook, Nonstop Pop (Bloof, 2013). She is the founding editor of the nonprofit feminist press Switchback Books and holds a PhD in English literature from Rutgers University. Her second book, Empire Wasted, is forthcoming from Bloof Books in 2016.

Nonstop Pop is available to read or download free, as part of Bloof’s chapbook series, here. It is also available in the 6-in-1 chapbook compilation, Bound. Also forthcoming in Empire Wasted (Bloof, 2016).

Nonstop Pop (Bloof Chapbook, 2013)



Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee

Little. Yellow. Different. A collective poetry micropress.