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Amish Trivedi

Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee
1 min readDec 16, 2015


I can go on pretending. I am
the denial I wish to be in
the world. The water will
not drown me as I am of
this flood, I am of this
plain. The water will
not flood me as I am
this river’s course and I
am its mouth and its delta. The
headwaters are around me and
I kind of like it.

From Sound/Chest
Available from Coven Press (direct to checkout via Square)
Also available from Amazon

Amish Trivedi is the author of Sound/Chest (Coven Press, LLC, 2015) and numerous chapbooks, and he has poems in Kenyon Review Online, New American Writing, and the Laurel Review. He has written reviews for Pleiades, Jacket2, and Sink Magazine. He has an MFA from Brown University and is a Ph.D. candidate at Illinois State University. Sound/Chest was recently named one of the 30 Must-Read Poetry Debuts of 2015 by LitHub.

Sound/Chest (Coven Press, 2015)



Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee

Little. Yellow. Different. A collective poetry micropress.