What Will I Do with All These Wolves

Leah Umansky

Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee
2 min readMar 22, 2016


I am wonder-led by wolves.
This night-world is our lyric, our pack-song.
We comb these paths for beauty, but I cannot chart the countless devouring
of tooth and nail

My wolves are wanderers. I, their huntress.

one stores costumes
one thinks he predominates
one lives a life of wind and waves
one thinks darkness is key
one thinks all is retro
one never leaves me
one tangles light and shadow
one folds fable into dreams
one bites anything that moves
one bites anything indulgent
one suggests ferociousness
one imagines dreaming
one absorbs the hurt of the past
one stories for me
one is mine (all mine)
one thinks he knows a way to better days
one keeps remnants in a hole in a cave

together, we rise our way through darkened rambles and haunted
together, we torch what nips at our ankles, pulls at our hair and
sneers through barricades
together, we anchor each day into a new day, a new existence, a
new tomorrow

From Straight Away the Emptied World
Available from the author
Also avalable from Kattywompus Press

Leah Umansky is the author of the dystopian-themed chapbook, Straight Away the Emptied World (Kattywompus Press 2016)¸ the Mad Men–inspired, Don Dreams and I Dream (Kattywompus Press 2014) and the full-length collection Domestic Uncertainties (Blazevox 2012). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in such places as Poetry Magazine, Faerie Magazine, Thrush Poetry Journal and The Golden Shovel Anthology.

Straight Away the Emptied World (Kattywompus, 2016)



Bloof Books
The Quotidian Bee

Little. Yellow. Different. A collective poetry micropress.