How Product Hunt Can Help Startups Gain Early Users for Their Minimum Viable Product

RabIT Software Engineering
The RabIT Team
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2018

Product Hunt has developed an innovative platform that took the tech industry by storm back in 2013. By today, the website has more than 7 million monthly users according to SimilarWeb. If you want to find early adopters for your minimum viable product, there is no platform better than Product Hunt.

Let’s say your startup has developed a cutting edge new mobile application, that offers tons of real benefits and value for your customers, and that is without competition. The glitch, nobody knows about it. It seems doomed to obscurity because the product manager has failed to find early adopters — the key to determining the success of a new minimum viable product.

Influential early adopters hang out on Product Hunt regularly, to discover and discuss new products. When you showcase your minimum viable product on the platform, you also get to engage with users actively. Once you win them over, they will help propel the product across the chasm.

On Product Hunt, early adopters also help shape your creation into a great product by providing constructive feedback. They list the pros and cons of your product, enabling you to improve existing features and add new ones. As a result, you enhance the product and offer consumers what they really want.

You can also find investors who are willing to back your product on Product Hunt. They are often part of the early adopter community and are always on the lookout for exciting new products. By leveraging the platform, you can convince them of your product’s profit potential and the demand for it in the market.

Moreover, the buzz generated by early adopters for your product draws the attention of the journalists. You get positive media coverage for your product without hiring a PR agency.

How to post a new minimum viable product on Product Hunt

  1. Create a personal account
  2. Login and click on the “+” icon in the upper-right hand corner
  3. Gain Access to Post: Complete the three-step contributor program to gain access to post
  4. Submit the product’s URL, name, and tagline

Each post should include:

  • Category — Pick an appropriate category: Tech, Games, or Books
  • Name –Product’s name
  • URL — Provide primary link: the product page link; followed by App store links
  • Tagline — Describe what your product does in less than 60 characters
  • Description — Describe the product, its features, and functionalities succinctly
  • Thumbnail –Upload an image to describe the product visually; use square dimensions
  • Gallery- Show off your product by uploading more than two images
  • Makers — Add everyone who has worked on the product by their Product Hunt usernames

Getting your minimum viable product in front of early users is essential to building a final product that your target market audience will adore. If you have any other questions about the software MVP development and launch process, feel free to ask them at , or sign up for a free consultation.



RabIT Software Engineering
The RabIT Team

RabIT is a dynamic and innovative software engineering company. We help startups and enterprises develop their very own amazing custom software solutions.