A Not-So Mindless Musing

What exactly is content ?

Souvik Ray Baruah
The Ragin’ Monk
2 min readMay 22, 2021


We try to float through an imagination that gives life to a new world which we can only dream about. Our thoughts, our experiences, and even our observations, make way into "content". But here’s something that lies hidden through the lines of a million dollar question: What do you mean by "content"?

From the lenses of CorinneKutz, UnSplash

Is it only the words which we pen down when our mind gets a whisk of creativity? Or is it a mere sketch of an inspiration? In reflection to such a vast question, the only answer is that there's no specific answer to it. Pretty much like Schrodinger's cat. It's there yet it's not there.

So metaphorically if a shaman asks you to search for a tree called "content" in a sprawling forest, it’s your job to enlighten him that the entire forest is content!

The 21st century has seen a humongous rise of content creation. From YouTube to LinkedIn, human minds never rest searching for answers. Be it their professional curiosity or entertainment appeasement. And it's the new moneyball for young people willing to earn through their creativity. From JK Rowling to PewDiePie, everyone falls under the role of a content creator. And that's only because content is not just limited to a single entity. It can be words in the form of a prose or a poem, it can be a video, or it can be just a picture. Content can be anything. In fact, it's everything.

So here's the bottom line if you are still wondering how to relate the role of content in any form. Content is not the king. Content is the kingdom!

