Do You Have a Jerk in Your Head That Won't Shut Up?

Regina Paul
The Rainbow Unicorn
3 min readSep 6, 2021


I Do

Photo by Shanu D from Burst

If you’re like me, you have a jerk in your head that can’t resist giving her opinion on any and every topic under the sun. When I see something I like or think about something that I think might be fun, there’s the jerk going “Nope, if you do that then you’ll lose money, or you’ll fail, or that dress will make you look fat or…” The jerk has opinions about everything and can bring up any bad memory to back herself up in an instant.

It wasn’t until I read Pam Grout’s books that I realized I wasn’t the only one with a jerk in their head. I have one, you have one, even the most successful people have one.

Here’s the thing, that jerk in your head isn’t you. She’s just the culmination of a lot of rules, regulations, things people you love have said to you, memories, and what you’ve learned from being conditioned by society to be a good little boy or girl who follows the rules. That’s it.

Your brain is a computer that records everything you experience in the form of memories. If you have lots of what you have defined as “bad” memories, then most likely a lot of what the jerk says has to do with those bad memories and conditioning.

Everything that happens to you, every experience you have in the world is completely under your control. You’re in charge. But…



Regina Paul
The Rainbow Unicorn

Author, artist, intuitive. I write about AI, publishing, making money online, creativity, and spirituality. Twitter @reginapaul E-mail