The RainBow
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2020


How we will raise our kids

Part2: As you all know, this I already wrote a part-1 which includes all the positive aspects of our upbringing. Let’s cover the flaws in this section.

So, I firmly believe our kids will be raised with the intention of “bullying” is correct. They can troll, tease, mock at anyone , anywhere. In this meme-faced world, where everything can be mocked, they would think its completely okay to make someone feel inferior and harm their mental health. They might just call you ugly on face.

They will be brought up with the notion “you aren't ugly; you are just poor” they would go behind riches and wealth. Natural beauty would just might become a myth by then. No one might embrace the dark skin. Everything will be compared with money. They might end up spending all their savings for a plastic surgery.

Individualistic lifestyles might become the trend to them. We ourselves will teach them how to maintain privacy, how to have a unique mindset, how to chase their dreams, and yes, we ourselves might be abandoned by them. They might leave us and never come back. They may remember some bad thing we said when extremely furious and might never forgive us.

Lack of peace would be common to them. They would believe the unrealistic lives in social media to be true(just like how we do) and would strive harder and harder to live one. We would have children with two professions: the profession they worked for and a you-tuber/an instagrammer. Everyone would want their life to be public.

With the raising cases of rapes, domestic violence, arms and drugs trafficking and delayed justice , they might learn its okay to get involved in them. Also, there are chances of our children raising to be psychopaths , hypersexual and mentally wrecked. Yes, we would train them to be mentally strong and be open to them, what if they take things in wrong way?(not everyone do good deed and what if karma hits us through our children)

Our children will learn to underestimate from us. Yes, just like how we never encourage people by tapping that like button (remember children learn from you),in the same way, they might as well not help someone thinking they deserved to be in that situation. Hence, groups like boys locker room, girls locker room will be created, as we never teach them how to sensitise and how to value the insecurities of others. We might as well not teach them how not to behave.

Overall, we would end up raising children with pragmatic mindset , insensitive nature, ambivert personality and extreme sanity with lack of discipline and respect.

