My Experience in All-State Middle School Chorus

Sarah Brock
The Ram Bleat
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2017
Straz Center in Tampa, Florida

Last Wednesday, I arrived in Tampa Bay, Florida to participate in the Florida Middle School Choir. Some may think nothing of All-State Chorus, but maybe once I inform you on how you actually get into the program, you’ll gain a little more respect.

To be able to win the glorious trip to Tampa, Florida, you have to pass three tests. Simple right? Nope!

First test: All 7th and 8th grade from Leon County schools who want to be in All-State have to first make a 70% or higher on what is called the Musicianship Test. You have to be able to count how many beats are in a measure using 4/4 time, 3/4 time, even in 6/8 time. You also have to be able to know musical terms and match them with their correct definition, and determine minor and major chords by ear. It was quite difficult and I was surprised when I found out that I passed the test.

Second test: Once you pass that test, you move on to sight-singing, which is reading notes and singing them aloud simultaneously. Do-re-mi and that kind of stuff. But you have to sing in two different keys and time signatures! If that isn’t hard enough, you have to sing at least 24 measures flawlessly in order to pass. Then you’ve completed the second test.

In between the second and third test (assuming you passed the second test) you are given six songs to memorize. I repeat, six songs, and three of them written in a different language. Y’know, German, Latin and French. (Kudos to Mrs. Prescott!) To make it even more difficult, you’re only singing a portion of three of those songs. But you don’t know which ones they are so you have to memorize all of them anyways. That’s the third test.

So once you pass all of that mess, you are rewarded with a trip to Tampa all expenses paid! You get to stay in this amazing hotel and in your break time, explore the city.

The most important thing you must know, though, is that I rehearsed for FIVE hours a day for two days. Yes, I know, it sounds intimidating, but there’s breaks. I rehearsed with almost three-hundred other girls and… listening to everyone’s voices in harmony is just beautiful. We also had accompaniments by an awesome pianist, violinist, and a harpist. And don’t even get me started on the conductor. Sadly, I don’t remember her name, but she made rehearsals so much fun and did a good job getting us energized when we became tired of singing for so long.

Then after all of that hard work, I had the opportunity to perform in the Straz Center — which is a big deal. It was the first time any middle school choir has performed there. And for all you Hamilton fans out there, I stood on the same stage that Leslie Odom Jr. stood on — or will be standing on.

Our final performance looked a little like this. This is a different chorus, by the way.

In conclusion, I had lots of fun during my time in Tampa, and thanks to my chaperone, I got to rehearsals on time. (Shout-out to Nanette Hammons!) If you enjoy singing and you take chorus at Raa, definitely join All-State Chorus. You will love it.

Thank you so much to our chorus teacher Mrs. Prescott! You are the best!

