Am I Addicted to Coffee? Should I Care?

Society’s benign addiction to their beloved Java juice

Ben Ulansey
The Creative Collective


Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash

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As a child, coffee was little more than a pleasant aroma hovering through my kitchen as my mother prepared a mug before she’d drop me off at preschool. Though it was an enticing scent that colored my mornings, it wasn’t until at least elementary school that she ever allowed me to try a sip.

It went over little better than the first time I tasted alcohol. The blackened liquid made me wince, gag, and pucker in an ugly succession. I wondered how something that could smell so lovely when heated could emit such a foul concoction of flavors.

As I handed the mug back to her, she continued to drink the abominable black energy drink a few dozen tones more bitter than Tylenol. without a lone care in the world, she let out a final tired sigh as the caffeine began to take effect.

But coffee was too ubiquitous to avoid completely.

It wasn’t until middle school that I had my first real bout with the drug. Exhausted from track practice and a full day of school, I took my energy in the form of overly sweetened, pre-bottled cappuccinos. Without a single thought of the sugar in every sip, the delectable treats became desserts to my…



Ben Ulansey
The Creative Collective

Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙